Cardiovascular CT: the role of cardiologistsMuhummad Sohaib Nazir, Edward D Nicol
4 April 2019
British Cardiovascular Intervention Society database: insights into interventional cardiology in the United KingdomPeter Ludman
8 April 2019
Artificial intelligence: the future for cardiologyAlejandra Andrea Miyazawa
12 January 2019
How to succeed in the EEGC: a guide for trainees and their trainersGeorgina Ooues, Chris Plummer, Jim Hall, Clive Lawson, Susanna Price, Russell Smith, Ian Wilson, Rob Wright, Sarah Bowater
5 February 2019
Behind the scenes of the European Examination in General CardiologyChris Plummer, Sarah Bowater, Jim Hall, Clive Lawson, Georgina Ooues, Susanna Price, Russell Smith, Ian Wilson, Rob Wright
2 February 2019
How far have women come in medicine?Dame Jane Dacre
12 December 2018
A career in cardiology: why?Clare Coyle, Holli Evans
10 November 2018
‘Not your daughter’s Facebook’: Twitter use at the European Society of Cardiology Conference 2018Sarah Hudson, Graham Mackenzie
16 October 2018
How to succeed as an academic cardiologist: a conversation for the aspiring cardiology traineeCatherine M Otto
19 September 2018
British Cardiovascular Society Young Investigator Award: finalists 2018John P Greenwood, Laurienne Edgar, Thomas Kaier, Ify Mordi, Claire Raphael
9 August 2018